Duplicate Logon Detector
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Duplicate Logon Detector
Posted on Fri, Mar 2, 2007
We've added even more security to keep your user accounts safe. Once you log on, the logon cookie will only be valid until you log off, or you log on with your username and password from a different computer. If you forget to log off on a public computer, a bad guy will not be able to keep using your account once you've logged on elsewhere. Click to read more about user account security.
Here are some tips to keep your account safe:
- Always log off from your account when you're done using it, especially your admin account.
- When logging on, choose "Only Until I Close My Browser" as the logon duration if anyone but yourself has access to your computer.
- Use our new "Bind to IP" feature if possible. This won't work with some ISPs, especially AOL, but most others can use this for added security.
- Choose a secure password! Any single word is bad, especially if it's something simple like "password" or "god" (the two most common passwords). Names of friends, family or pets are bad. Using your login username for your password is especially egregious.
- Be especially careful when logging on from public computers, such as internet cafés. Public computers may be hacked to contain "keystroke loggers", so when typing your password, fumble an extra character or two in the middle, then after you've typed it, use the mouse to select these characters and remove them. WiFi hotspots can be dangerous as well; ensure the connection is encrypted.